
This weblog is part of the wider movement to protect the prosperity of the European IT/ICT sector by acting as a focal point for lawyers, academics and law students who believe that software patents are damaging to the software industry and society as a whole. For blog postings prior to 24 February 2007 please visit my old blog at http://www.ccm.eclipse.co.uk/lasp.html

Sunday, May 06, 2007

All quite on the western front

I have had a torrid few months with a few major deals just happening at the same time, leaving me with virtually no time to maintain my blog (going from a part-time blog to virtually a 'no time' blog :-) ). I am hoping to be able to share some of my views on recent developments and also post a commentary of the talk I gave at EUPACO 1 (www.eupaco.org) back in January this year sometime soon.
